The lawyer shared the mind-blowing news via her social media handle, the lawyer said the alleged rape victim’s husband reported the case to the police after she informed him about her ordeal. While the husband was going around seeking justice, interestingly, before police investigations into the matter could end for the court to make a ruling on the matter, the rape victim has left her husband's home and moved in with the rapist.
Can A Rape Victim Fall In Love With The Rapist?
Yes! It is called Stockholm Syndrome
A definition describes Stockholm syndrome as a condition in which hostages develop a psychological bond with their captors during captivity. Emotional bonds may be formed between captors and captives, during intimate time together.
The lawyer, Malachy Odo who lamented the new development to the rape case said it brings an end to the court proceedings too.
But, will that really be the end of the case?I mean, rape is rape! and Stockholm Syndrome is real!
One of the least socially understood side effects of sexual assault is Stockholm Syndrome. Stockholm Syndrome is when a victim emotionally “bonds” with his or her abuser. Bonding is considered a survival strategy for victims of abuse and develops subconsciously and involuntarily. When a victim “identifies” with the attacker, it does not invalidate the attack. Rape is rape. Assault is assault. And Stockholm Syndrome is very real. - thestonefoundation
If you or someone you love has been a victim of sexual assault, I urge you to seek help. Contact your local authorities, speak with your physician, and/or seek the help of a counselor. If you’re not ready to take that step, confide in someone you trust.
Oh boi... This is strange indeed